The Religion and Belief Strategy and Action Plan aims to improve the representation, progression, retention, experience and success of students and staff for whom religion, belief, or no belief is an important aspect of their identity at the University of Sheffield. It adopts a One University approach, building on the work to date to foster a more inclusive workplace throughout the staff and student lifecycle.
Whilst accurate data can be hard to obtain, one quarter of TUoS staff (26.5%) and just under a third (28%) of students are understood to express their identity by reference to religion, belief or no belief.
Comprising four overarching objectives, the actions in the plan have been identified in response to a ‘Listening Project’ established by the University of Sheffield’s Chaplaincy Centre, and guidance outlined in Religion and belief: supporting inclusion of staff and students in higher education and colleges | Advance HE, September 2018. This Action Plan is the result of a careful and ongoing process of listening to key stakeholders and business leads across the whole University, and from the wider HE sector.
Our Religion and Belief Strategy reinforces inclusivity, and by doing so will ensure that students and staff at the University of Sheffield can excel in a learning, teaching and research environment that embodies equality and celebrates diversity.
Implementation of the Action Plan is led by the Religion and Belief Delivery Group, comprising senior stakeholders accountable for the progress and delivery of actions, reporting to the University's Equality Diversity & Inclusion Committee.